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Return Home to Your Self

healing self actualization Jan 27, 2023
Self discovery

I just got home from an extended overseas trip in which I organized a family reunion, a special birthday celebration for my mom, some leisure travel with family as well as a solo trip. Traveling is very interesting and along with the sights and time connecting with people, we learn a lot about ourselves from it. As such, I got many life lessons from my trip especially traveling solo. I highly recommend that you try it out if you haven’t already. 

While a lot was gained from traveling, in this email, I want to talk to you about how it felt to come home. Since I was away for a while, the anticipation of coming home started several days before my return. My nervous system was craving the familiarity and comfort of being home in my own surroundings.

There was a visceral feeling of ease the moment I got into my neighborhood and stepped through my front door, immediately offering a settling that was calming to my nervous system and one that I could feel in my body! Can you relate? Have you experienced that feeling after a long journey or even a tiring day at work? 

You might be wondering why am I sharing this with you. 

I am sharing this with you because the same ease and comfort I felt in my body when I returned home is the ease and comfort we experience when we heal our past emotional wounds and trauma to return to our SELF! 

When we heal, there is a return to our Self that is felt as a visceral settling. We feel it in our body, our mind, and our spirit. It’s a homecoming that is deeply comforting and resourcing! There is familiarity and clarity about who we are, how we express ourselves, what we like, and what we value that guides us to what we need or desire in our lives and relationships. This clarity gives us direction and purpose so that we can intentionally create the life we want. 

Imagine – if you didn’t know where your home was, could you find your way to it? The same is true for our sense of coming home to our Self. Once we know what that is, we can never be lost; we would always find our way back. 

I have had the joy and privilege of finding what coming home means to me as I return to my physical home as well as to my energetic and spiritual home which has led me toward my purpose of healing trauma to end the suffering that exists in the world. I would never have known that this is what I am here to do, had I never embarked on healing the emotional wounds that were keeping me from seeing them. 

I offer the same to you with the acknowledgment that this work isn’t for everyone – it takes courage, commitment, and a significant investment of money and time toward your future. At the same time, it is the most transformative thing you can ever do for yourself to uplevel your finances, partnership, relationships, parenting, self-confidence, health, and more.