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Befriending our "dark side" childhood trauma emotional healing inner child healing parts work Apr 05, 2023

On a recent visit to Vietnam, I purchased a lacquered image I was drawn to because it depicted a woman whose face was etched half black and half...

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Understanding the Difference Between Needs and Wants: How to Cultivate a Fulfilling Life childhood trauma emotional healing Mar 30, 2023

Have you ever found yourself chasing after what you thought you wanted, only to realize it didn't bring the satisfaction you expected? Perhaps you...

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Why We Normalize Emotional Trauma healing trauma Mar 22, 2023

Despite the fact that “trauma” has been in the zeitgeist lately (you hear the word more than ever before), very few people actually...

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Reparenting Our Wounded Inner Child healing trauma Mar 15, 2023

The most significant relationship in our life is the one we have with our parents/primary caregivers. According to attachment theory, developed by...

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