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Being True to Your Self

self actualization Feb 16, 2023
Being true to yourself

I don’t need to remind you that authentic living is about being yourself. You’ve heard this many times and like me, I am sure you want to live as authentically as possible. The problem is that even while being yourself is touted as the way of conscious living, each day there are millions of messages that we receive to be a different version of ourselves!

According to digital marketing experts, the average American is exposed to anywhere from 4000 to 10,000 advertisements a day! When added up in a lifetime, we see several years of ads. What are these ads messaging to us as women?

What about social media? Our feed, that is controlled by computer algorithms provides us with targeted ads based on our search histories which have been compiled precisely and now hold psychographic information about our age, gender, location, income, preferences, and much much more! (remember the dress you were looking at online at a particular store and now see ads from that store no matter which site you are on?)

That’s not all, our “friends” on social media are posting all those images of their vacation, or ideal family and the fun they are having, driving us into FOMO (fear of missing out) about our ordinary lives!

The subliminal messages we get constantly is that we aren’t enough the way we are even while we are told to be ourself!

As women, we are expected to look good, eat healthy, exercise, dress fashionably, achieve success in our professional life, raise “perfect” children, and have plenty of energy for sex and intimacy, while making nutritious meals from scratch for our families, hosting social events that are enviable, and playing leadership roles in school and community events (just to name a few expectations!) We are meant to think, feel, and act in ways that fit the norm - when the norm is anything but the norm! Yet, we all tend to think that it is as if we strive to “do it all!”

The result? We either burn out, numb out to survive, or are hounded by feelings of guilt, harsh self-judgment, and thoughts and feelings of not being enough! Not being enough as we are because we are meant to be something else. And also be authentic to who we are!

Unless we recognize the hypocrisy and the contradictory messages we receive several times a day and find our center - who we truly are, and what we really want (not what we should want or live up to due to outside messages), we are caught in this web that is not only hard to get out of but also takes us further and further away from our authentic Self. 

Being true to yourself, starts with getting to know your true Self! 

When you get clear on your values, needs, wants, and beliefs, and how they show up in your life, you can align your actions with them and free yourself from the pressures placed on you by societal expectations. This is what the essence of being YOU is all about!

If you are ready to transform yourself. Be sure to click on the link below to -

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