If you are a mom or an aunt and have been on a trip with kids, then you are familiar with this question – are we there yet?
The trip starts off with the kids being very excited to go on the trip. That morphs into boredom. If you have more than one, they start annoying each other and being annoyed with each other. That’s when the questions start and continue every few minutes, “are we there yet?” Finally, there is the meltdown, usually right before you arrive. They are tired of sitting and they want off!
Our healing journey is much like this. We start off excited and then things get difficult as we pull back the curtains. We start asking ourselves, “are we there yet” or “when am I going to get there?” Then comes, what is called the “dark night of the soul.” This is the stage when we are shedding old patterns and perceptions. It’s unsettling because we are no longer who we were; old paradigms are dying but new ones haven’t been fully formed yet! What dies is a conditioned and limited sense of self - and this happens right before we are ready for the emergence of our true, divine, and powerful Self!
If you are on the path to healing and have done a lot of personal development work and get hit by something that really has you wondering if you will ever get “there” then here are two things for you to remember. First, “there” isn’t really there! We measure "there" by how far we have come and not where we are going because we are meant to keep going in life to wherever we are meant to go. Second, if you are experiencing a really difficult challenge, then keep going because any day now, you might turn the corner and see yourself in an entirely new light!