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How to navigate holiday stress healing Dec 14, 2022

Holiday season is here and along with festivities and, food, there can be a lot of holiday frenzy and stress.

This is a time to celebrate with...

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The Four Ps of healing, growth, and manifestation healing trauma Nov 17, 2022

There are many things that go into healing, growth, and manifestation but there are some things without which none of them are possible. I put them...

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What Does Holding Space Mean? healing Nov 09, 2022

You have probably heard the phrase, “holding space” for someone. In the coaching world we use it a lot but what exactly does this...

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Know Thy Self healing Oct 31, 2022

The Greek aphorism, “know thyself” was once said to be inscribed in the temple of Apollo at Delphi. This phrase speaks to...

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