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Trauma-free divorce

Most people don't anticipate the amount of shock, stress, overwhelm, and multitude of emotions that accompany a divorce.

Even when it is a choice you make, the impact of divorce is still immense.

Knowing how to navigate this from the start by planning for it, getting your team together, and being prepared for potential pitfalls that often arise, will not only save you money, time, and heartache, it is an investment in your future.

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Awareness, Insight, Direction, & Empowerment for each stage of divorce

Contemplating Divorce?

You are feeling stuck and unable to move forward or you are heading into divorce without understanding exactly what you are getting yourself into. You feel anxious and uncertain about your future.

Going through Divorce?

 This is NOT the time to bury your head in the sand or leave your future at the hands of others. This is the time for you to be in the driver’s seat and find out EVERYTHING you need to know about YOUR situation.

Life After

You are challenged by not knowing who you are and what you want. The life you had wanted and put a lot of energy into creating is no longer there for you. You might be feeling direction-less.

You can live a life you love.
You deserve it.

Let's work together to ensure that you feel in control of your life as you head into your divorce, get what you need and want from your divorce proceedings, and learn how to rebuild your life after your divorce so that it is a life you love. Without clarity, support, and professionally guided preparation, divorce can become a traumatic experience. 

Come out of your divorce with the best possible outcomes so that you can begin again, dream again, live again, and love again.

Divorce Can Be An Emotional Roller Coaster

The unraveling of a marriage is no small thing.  It takes a mental, emotional, psychological, and financial toll on you and those around you, and can be one of the most challenging life situations to navigate.


I can't believe this is happening to me


I don't know who to ask for help or what to do


I'm so scared about my financial situation


I'm too embarrassed to reach out to anyone 


I'm unbelievably sad / angry / scared

Do You Wish You Had Someone You Could Trust Who Would Lead You Step By Step Through The Divorce Process?

Imagine if you:

  • Knew what to expect during your divorce.
  • Felt safe and secure with the right systems and processes in place to move forward in your life.
  • Had a plan to create the next phase of your life so you can live a life by design.
  • Were energized and optimistic about your future.

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Find ways to nurture yourself and find balance and support as you go through this phase

It is never too soon or never too late to get the guidance that you need, so don't wait!
Schedule a 30 minute complimentary phone consultation with me now 

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