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I'm a trauma-trained Professional, here to support you.

Feeling lost, confused, and broken with no end in sight?

It's my life's mission to guide others like you to break repetitive patterns, get unstuck, and transform your life to free yourself from your past to thrive, grow, and expand on the inside and out.

My Story

There are some events that break us open in a way that it is not possible to go back to what had been before. My divorce from a 25-year marriage was such an event in my life. It left me with post-traumatic stress and forced me to examine my whole life in order to make sense of my experiences.

Coping with stress after my divorce

In the years that followed my divorce, I struggled with depression, immobilization (feeling stuck, unable to move forward),  and emotional dysregulation. My day-to-day life was a struggle especially as I unpacked the truth of my life before my divorce.

 I came face to face with my whole life. I found myself struggling with the stress of my divorce, feeling alone, devalued as a human, and broken. At the same time, I was feeling immense grief for the childhood I had never had, the choices I had made that brought me to this juncture, and the opportunities I had not had.

Healing my inner child

To heal myself, I did talk therapy, read books, went to retreats, and did everything I knew to do. All of these led me to understand what had happened to me, why it had happened, and even what I needed to do but I was simply unable to do them! I knew I was capable and yet, I was not moving towards the life I wanted.

Finally, I learned that our body always remembers our past wounds and trauma and responds to it even in the present, keeping the past always alive.

The science behind this is clear - in order to heal, to become present to the here and now, to not feel activated or reactive, we must learn to relate with ourselves in a new way.


It's my life purpose: helping others like you heal so that you can experience joy, abundance, love & self-worth, which are your birthright.  

 My previous certifications as a life coach, relationship and divorce coach had not taught me the skills I needed to fully guide others to the transformation I have experienced. My own experience of working with coaches and therapists who were not trauma-informed had been detrimental to my mental health and there was no way I was going to be a part of that!

I have spent the last five years in a deep dive of gaining knowledge and expertise in the field of trauma, learning from the pioneers in neuroscience, somatics, mindfulness, and various therapeutic modalities so that I can individualize my coaching to the needs of my clients and give them a variety of tools, practices, and resources. 

I look back at the days when I felt lost, confused, and broken with no end in sight. But now when I work with my clients and see them connecting to their strengths, gifts, power - the light that they truly are, I feel so blessed to have had the expereinces that led me to the work I am doing. It is what I was born to do and I am here to help you connect with your purpose as well. 

My experience and knowledge just for you


I’ve combined all of my experiences and knowledge to create The Embodied Self Inquiry process which is designed to help you liberate yourself from childhood conditioning and trauma responses by connecting to deeper parts of yourself.

My coaching work is guided by the various modalities I have studied, including Internal Family Systems (IFS),  Polyvagal Theory, and Organic Intelligence, along with several somatic therapeutic methodologies. 

I integrate mindfulness, self-compassion, and other embodiment practices into my work. 

In addition, I create guided practices for my clients that help them become present, regulate themselves at times of stress, and build self-care and self-love as a felt experience. 

If you’d like to see if I can help you break repetitive patterns, free yourself from the past, and manifest your desires, I invite you to schedule a free, safe, and confidential call with me.

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Want to know my qualifications?

  • I have a Master’s Degree in Sociology 
  • I'm Certified as a - Life Coach, Divorce Coach, & Relationship Coach
  • I've completed several trauma-focused programs (see below)
  • I have studied several somatic practices -  Somatic Movement, Somatic Body Wisdom, and The Feldenkrais Method
  • I am a Pranic Healer® & Arhatic Yoga practitioner, and a lifelong spiritual seeker
  • For over a decade, I have been practicing mindfulness, meditation, self-compassion, & self-reflection as part of my own healing journey
  • I was a college educator for over ten years
  • My entire life has been focused on women's empowerment in both my professional and personal life

Trauma certificates + training

Trauma Research Foundation’s Certificate in Traumatic Stress Studies - a 7 Month Program Led by Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk and featuring 25 of today’s leading trauma experts covering developmental trauma, adult attachment relationships, Polyvagal Theory, Internal Family Systems (IFS) and more.

60 hour Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Certificate Program

A 36 hours comprehensive course on Interpersonal Neurobiology led by Dr. Daniel Siegel.

✓ Polyvagal Theory including the following:

  • Clinical Applications of Polyvagal Theory with Dr. Stephen Porges & Deb Dana
  • Polvvagal-Focused and Sensorimotor Expressive Arts Therapy
  • Applied Polyvagal Theory in Therapeutic Yoga Levels 1 and 2 with Dr. Arielle Schwartz - 16 hour Certification

✓ Dr. Peter Levine:

  • Ancestral Healing
  • Working with Sexual Trauma
  • Healing Trauma
  • Sacred Wounds

✓ Internal Family Systems (IFS)

  • Immersion course
  • Coaching for Self-leadership 
  • Integrative Somatic Parts Work Levels 1 and 2

✓ Dr. Gabor Mate

  • Wisdom of Trauma
  • Returning to wholeness

✓  Thomas Hubl

    Principles of Collective Trauma Healing - 30-hour training

All The Tools You Need To Build A new "You"

Working with me for support and opening yourself to receiving that support is foundational in healing, spiritual growth, creating worldly success and abundance, and bringing about positive change in the world. 

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